Friday, August 6, 2010

A little review

This week - even though its not over yet - hasn't been bad at all!
I spoke with a promoter & some things might happen! :D Not a for sure thing, but hey it's an opportunity :)
Also, I started on a project for Dormant Decrypt. They're gonna finish it, but I was stoked to start it! haha
And I also helped out a homie to get a gig together so I juss got all the bands and make a cheapy simple flyer :P

I'm pretty satisfied on what I did this week hahaha oh and I did some reading for english! haha

This was kinda sad for me to watch ha

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

THIS made me feel better today....

After being let down all day, I turned to these songs. It only made me miss my ipod cuz that made my fuckin day all the time :(